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SriLankan Catering (SLC) operates a global award winning environmental sustainability programme that won the 2011 Mercury Award for Environmental Sustainability from the International Travel Catering Association (ITCA), the National Energy Efficiency Gold Award 2010 from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Sri Lanka, and two Presidential Export Awards in 2012 and 2013.

At SriLankan Catering, environmental sustainability is inculcated into every aspect of our operation and our Environmental Management System ensures that we do our very best to protect our planet for future generations.

  • In terms of energy management, we use sophisticated methodologies to accurately calculate key performance indicators such as ‘electricity consumption per meal produced’ and ‘diesel consumption per meal produced’. Our team is given an annual target to reduce each of these indicators, with the result that our flight kitchen becomes more environment-friendly year by year.
  • Our vehicles and equipment are maintained in optimal condition, ensuring highest levels of environmental efficiency through lowered consumption of fuel and energy.
  • Our waste management and emissions management systems are on par with modern / current best practices in the global airline catering industry. Our commitment is to ‘Reduce-Reuse-Recycle’ which ensures lowered levels of waste generation.
  • All food waste is sterilised in our Autoclave at 121 degrees Celsius and dispatched to a farm for use as animal feed; reducing waste products and emissions.
  • All SLC operations are fully compliant with all environmental laws and regulations of the country and the global industry.
  • Most importantly, our programme to create awareness among our employees on the urgency for conservation of the environment, ensures that the message is communicated to their families and communities, which helps to engage a widened pool of stakeholders to our worthy cause.